Sunday, October 9, 2011

Terrible Two's

To all mom's: When does the "terrible two's" start? How long does it last?

Wynn is only 16 months, but I feel like I am dealing with a terrible two year old. He definitely knows what the word NO means. However, he has been pitching fits like no other. When we left from the park the other day he had a total meltdown. I mean the screaming cry, body flailing, back arched, legs kicking, and the whole nine yards. Plus, trying to get him in the car seat was a wrestling match. He would arch his back and slide down. People probably thought I was abusing him. This is not the first time. It seems like it happens all the time. It happens when Wynn is happy doing what he wants to do, but the minute we say no or have to leave he has a major meltdown. I don't even want to go through the changing clothes and diapers. That is awful as well.

Sorry, had to ventilate. If you have tips and/or suggestions, I am all ears.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. Oh girl, we went through the same thing at this age! And sorry to say, Emma is still going through it! Stay strong!
